Amica Pitch Film
Amica Social Videos
The Find My Seattle social video campaign lead to a nearly 50% increase in quiz completion from less than 1% completion before the campaign.
In the second quarter of 2019, the cost per session on decreased from $4.31 to $2.67. A nearly 62% decrease per user session.
Average time spent on site increased by almost 258% from 0:43 seconds to 1:51.
Client: Amica Mutual Insurance
Agency: Copacino+Fujikado
Executive Creative Director: Mike Hayward
Associate Creative Director: Nicole Koestel
Account Director: Rebecca Arbeene
Senior Account Executive: Alyssa Grigg
Paid Social Media Strategist: Ashlee Perkins
Interactive/Digital Designer: Andrew Clementi
Project Manager: Sun Yi
Video Editor/Motion Graphics Designer: Richard Lutz